World Map

World Map
Red Indicates Countries I have Been To, (USA, Italy, Dominican Rep., Puerto Rico, France, UK, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Australia, Thailand, Malaysia, Brunei, China, Mongolia, Russia, Estonia, Croatia, Finland)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Previous History

This post is basically a short life story so that readers can get a vague idea of where I came from and where I have been.

After a short battle with asthma, I moved to Darwin at around 5 years old or so, I don't really remember that vividly.

 I attended three primary schools, Leanyer (Darwin), Girraween (Humpty Doo) and Subiaco (Perth).

Me at Subiaco

 I think that the order was Leanyer - Subiaco - Girraween - Subiaco - Girraween - Subiaco - Leanyer.. Between my last stint at Subiaco I went on a trip through Asia and Europe with my Father. After Graduating from Leanyer I went to Dripstone High, which is now Dripstone Middle, after a few years I went on a short trip to a few places (listing them would be considered bragging and not listing them gives me mystique), then settled in London for a little bit. After attending Battersea Technical College for a few months I decided to move back to Humpty Doo.

Just recently I graduated from Taminmin High School (which is now called Taminmin College) and I am going to head down to Armidale to study at the University of New England.

So that's my life history in a nutshell minus the travel