World Map

World Map
Red Indicates Countries I have Been To, (USA, Italy, Dominican Rep., Puerto Rico, France, UK, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Australia, Thailand, Malaysia, Brunei, China, Mongolia, Russia, Estonia, Croatia, Finland)

Thursday, February 10, 2011


So I leave tomorrow night, but let's not weep about the future, lets look into the past: my adventures and misadventures so far this year are few, so this will be quite a short little post.

My most memorable (mis)adventure was on tuesday night just gone, when I went into town and experienced the clubbing scene. To sum up my night, I will just say that I wasn't too impressed. There are some reasons why this visit did not give me a positive outlook on a night out with friends. First of all, the 'music' that was playing was a little loud, even for my young ears. Now, I use the term music very loosely in this recount, because these audio tracks with blaring synthesised sounds, punctuated by a few words, is not actually labelled my me to be music. For the most part they depict women as people who only dance, have sex and tease men; yet the girls in this club dance and scream along with the lyrics.

There is another point, I don't particularly like having to ask everyone to repeat themselves any time they ask me something, and I certainly don't appreciate guys touching their lips to my ear. That's music covered, now let's move on to the lighting, which is a short section. I'm not epileptic, but the lights still nearly gave me a seizure, and blinded me also.

Drinks were expensive, for a glass of jack daniels and coke, it cost $7.50, and the glass was mostly ice. The dancefloor is practically a sweaty pit, judging from the smell.

So that's the past, the future is daunting, so I'll just touch on the present; I'm sitting here writing this and my sole possession is a suitcase filled with clothes, books and a few essentials. I'm officially independent as of about 11pm on friday, when I'll be leaving my current home for the last time in a good long while.

I'm looking at what might happen in the future and it's like following a road which has two paths to go down, then each of those have another two, and there is an unlimitted number of possibilitys for the outcome of my life, depending on the paths that I choose.